
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Complications & Treatment of myopia

(i) Retinal detachment; (ii) complicated cataract; (iii) vitreous haemorrhage; (iv) choroidal haemorrhage (v) Strabismus fixus convergence.

Treatment of myopiageneral measures of treatment of myopia
1. Optical treatment of myopia constitutes
prescription of appropriate concave lenses, so

that clear image is formed on the retina (Fig. 1).
Refraction in a myopic eye
corrected with concave lens.

The basic rule of correcting myopia is converse of that in 
hypermetropia, i.e., the minimum
acceptance providing maximum vision should be prescribed. In very high myopia undercorrection is always better to avoid the problem of near vision and that of minification of images. 

 Modes of prescribing concave lenses are
spectacles and contact lenses. Their advantages and disadvantages over each other are the same as described for hypermetropia.
Contact lenses
are particularly justified in cases of high myopia as they avoid peripheral distortion and minification produced by strong concave spectacle lens.

2. Surgical treatment of myopia is becoming very popular now-a-days. .
3. General measures empirically believed to effect the progress of myopia (unproven usefulness) include balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins and early management of associated debilitating disease.
4. Low vision aids (LVA) are indicated in patients of progressive myopia with advanced
degenerative changes, where useful vision cannot be obtained with spectacles and contact lenses.
5. Prophylaxis (genetic counselling). As the pathological myopia has a strong genetic basis,
the hereditary transfer of disease may be decreased by advising against marriage between
two individuals with progressive myopia. However, if they do marry, they should not
produce children.

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