
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Giant papillary conjunctivitis is the inflammation of conjunctiva with formation of very large sized papillae.

Etiology. It is a localised allergic response to a physically rough or deposited surface (contact lens, prosthesis, left out nylon sutures). Probably it is

  a sensitivity reaction to components of the plastic
leached out by the action of tears.

Symptoms. Itching, stringy discharge and reduced
wearing time of contact lens or prosthetic shell.

Signs. Papillary hypertrophy (1 mm in diameter) of
the upper tarsal conjunctiva, similar to that seen in
palpebral form of VKC with hyperaemia are the main
signs (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Giant papillary conjunctivities (GPC).

1. The offending cause should be removed. After discontinuation of contact lens or artificial eye or removal of nylon sutures, the papillae resolve
over a period of one month.

2. Disodium cromoglycate is known to relieve the symptoms and enhance the rate of resolution.

3. Steroids are not of much use in this condition.

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