
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Etiology. Concretions are formed due to accumulation
of inspissated mucus and dead epithelial cell
debris into the conjunctival depressions called loops
of Henle. They are commonly seen in elderly people
as a degenerative condition and also in patients with
scarring stage of trachoma. The name concretion is a
misnomer, as they are not calcareous deposits.

Clinical features. Concretions are seen on palpebral
conjunctiva, more commonly on upper than the lower.
They may also be seen in lower fornix. These are
yellowish white, hard looking, raised areas, varying
in size from pin point to pin head. Being hard, they
may produce foreign body sensations and lacrimation
by rubbing the corneal surface. Occasionally they
may even cause corneal abrasions.

Treatment. It consists of their removal with the help
of a hypodermic needle under topical anaesthesia.

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